Tag Archives: talking loudly on a train

Good Things To Avoid While Packed Up Like Sardines In A Train!

9d50854b-948f-466b-a4b0-b7fd6da2c0d9If your daily commute involves some kind of trains, especially NYC subway trains (like me), then you know how crazy the traffic can be at times or most of the time, when we’re all packed like sardines!  Space is not an option and if someone doesn’t smell good, or is having a private uncomfortable conversation next to you or if a crazy is having a fit then tough! You just have to deal with it.

It’s all good to an extent but there is something we can do, yes you are right! We can make a list, so after careful observation, I have decided to make a list of things that certain people could do to prevent one from disgusting the other!

Good things to avoid while packed up like Sardines in a train!

  • Shower –  You may think it’s cool not to shower for a week but seriously the rest of your fellow commuters don’t!  And if for some really good reason you can’t then please think of investing in a good smelling product, like a cologne or a perfume! Think free trials in the cosmetic areas. Heck you can even use lotion or rub purell all over yourself!
  • Wash your jacket – This one is usually huge during winter months.  Just smell your jacket once before you leave, just once please.  If you are in denial, please wear that smelly jacket and lock yourself up in a very small confined space like a closet or a box for a few minutes. If you don’t die then you’re good and so will be your fellow commuters.
  • Nose picking – oh so not acceptable and yet I have seen so many men and women do this! You may think no one saw you secretly pick your nose and wiping it but let me to tell you a secret, we may all pretend we can’t see you but we really can! Here’s a “How To Stop Picking Your Nose,” link that might help you out.
  • Extremely loud conversations – Normal conversations are good but extremely loud ones when we are all packed up like sardines is not.  We really don’t need to know how much you like turtle necks or the fact that your chest is a forest! No, some of us just don’t want to know.  Calling and sharing your miserable story with five people in a row is also not good.  The first two times was hardly bearable but to cry and moan about it in the same exact fashion with no variety is annoying!

This is an ongoing list and I will have some more “annoying train habits” in the future, until then please feel free to add-on and share your observations.

My tea for the moment:  TAPAL Lemon Green Tea.  There is nothing like the taste of freshly squeezed lemons! Ok seriously, I don’t taste the fresh lemons but it is does have a nice refreshing green tea taste with a hint of lemon so give it a try.
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