Tag Archives: stash tea

My First Bubble Tea!

Bubble TeaYes, I finally tried Bubble Tea!  I don’t really know why it has taken me this long but I’m happy to inform everyone that I really enjoyed it.  This great occurrence took place at  The Saint’s Alps Teahouse in East Village.  I tried out the Green Milk Tea and it was great! At first I was a little confused as to how you order them, I was wondering if you would say, could I please have it with the bubbles? or the balls? but thanks to my friend I didn’t really make a fool of myself and said it rather properly as in, could I please have it with the tapioca balls? Actually “pearl tapioca” like their site describes it would have been better but I’m sure you’re saying who cares!? Hey, I say it’s good to know! Oh and speaking of sites, you should know that Saint Alps Teahouse site is actually the Hong K0ng one. So don’t be surprised if you see crazy high prices because those are actually in Hong Kong Dollars!  As for the tapiocas that I tried, they were chewy and didn’t really taste like anything to me.  I’m sure they vary from place to place?  Has any one of you tried them?  Yes? Then tell me your Bubble Tea story! 🙂

My Tea For The Moment: Just keeping it simple and drinking STASH’s Organic Premium White Tea.  It’s nice and light and goes perfect with the post ugly weather day!

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It’s Time For A Final Exam Break!

Alright guys it’s time for me to go on a mini break. My finals begin next week! If all goes well, I shall return once the nightmare is over in two weeks!  Remember don’t worry, drink lots of chai, tea, coffee, hot cocoa, whatever you need to get through all your projects, papers, exams,  final thesis, or life in the next few weeks in general.  I leave you guys with some of my favorite musical compositions  that you can listen to while you study or just take a break.





There’s a whole album on concentration! Here’s one with beautiful pictures of Venice.


Good Luck guys! See Ya soon 🙂

My tea for the moment: Okay so besides going through the whole finals stress bit, I got sick this week as well.  The nasty cold finally caught me!  I’ve been coughing up a storm and the three teas that seemed to work on my throat were STASH’s Chamomile caffeine free herbal tea, Lemon Ginger caffeine free herbal tea and Chai White Tea.  All with a couple spoons of honey. Of course I didn’t drink all three at once but yes, I did drink them in all in a day.  I was basically just trying to fix my self as much as possible before my class and they each seem to have some key ingredient like Chamomile, Lemon, Ginger, Cinnamon etc so I thought hey why not!

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4 Most Creepy Little Kids!

Guys… I think I’m hearing voices! Okay now before you jump to conclusions and ignore me like the parents of the sane kid  in a horror movie who tells the parents that he or she is hearing stuff but instead of listening or believing in the child they just declare him or her insane and  ship them to the nearest shrink, Phew!  Just hear me out.  So for the past few days, I’ve been hearing voices or more like cryings of a kid particularly around the bathroom walls.   First I was like hey, someone give this kid some bubbles! Because you know bubbles are awesome and they always cheer people up! But then, his constant combo of crying and laughing at the same time, started reminding of all the creepy little kids that have haunted us for so many years.

So with thought,  here is my list of

4 most creepy little kids that just give me the creepers!

4.  The creepy girl from “The Ring” (2002) –  The most creepy scene was when she comes out of the TV.  That’s a definite “do” to give someone a heart attack.

3.  The creepy little boy from “The Grudge” (2004) –  This boy was really messed up and the most creepy sound was that came out of his mouth and the most creepy scene was when he appeared under the desk like a little perv hehe.

2.  The cute yet creepy little boy from “Pet Sematary” (1989) – Aww…he was really really cute but sadly very creepy!

1.  The most creepy and perhaps horrifying kid of all time has to be Regan from “The Exorcist” (1973).  There are just too many creepy scenes but the head rotating thing and the backwards stair walk is enough to creep you out for life!

Now after revisiting some of these creepy kids, I’m sure you all need a little laugh!  First, the funny George Lopez just started the “Creepy Little White Girl” bit on his show.  So check it out, it should you creep you into some laughter.


Finally not all babies are creepy,  this one is so cute and makes me want to laugh like crazy every single time I watch it!


My tea of the moment: How about some STASH peppermint caffeine free herbal tea.  If you like minty stuff then this is for you.  Creepy kids and minty tea now doesn’t that just cheer you up! hehe.  Enjoy!

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5 Funny Videos To Make You Laugh!

Hi guys! I came across these videos and they made me a laugh a lot.  Now since It’s already November and kind of dark and gloomy, I thought it would be cool If I helped us all prepare for the upcoming Winter blues.  So here are 5 videos that I hope will make you laugh and if they don’t then I’m sorry you must have a serious case of SAD and maybe you should watch Tom and Jerry!  And if you have already watched them, then check them out again because you know they’ll be super hilarious the second time around! 🙂

5. Abed and Troy’s Spanish rap “La Biblioteca” in the show Community.  Best way to learn your vocab words!


4.  “Do Re Me” stunt in the Central Station of Antwerp, Belgium.  Ahh I always wanted to run around like Julie Andrews on that mountain, okay well that’s another dream but I also always wanted to break out in a crazy dance on DO RE ME in public! Don’t laugh, you know you so wanted to do it as well! 🙂


3.  Heavy Metal Pussy Cats! If you’re obsessed with cats and waste an enormous amount of time on “I Can Has Cheezburger” then this is for you! LOL!


2.   Twilight: New Moon Deleted Scenes 2.  My favorite part is Edward secretly dancing to Beyonce’s song “Single Ladies” hahaha.


1.  The Batman Scene –  Yes another clip from the show “Community” where Abed dressed as The Batman goes to rescue his peers towards the end.  This is the funniest take on Batman’s speech.  I can watch this over and over again!  And you should too!


Hope you guys got to relax and laugh a little, now go back to work! 🙂   You know, I think I should do a list of the best new shows for you guys soon.  By the way, which of the 5 videos did you like the most?

My tea for the moment: I wanted to spice things up a little bit so I decided to try STASH’s premium Chai White Tea.  It’s a little stronger than the usual White tea but it smells like hmm… Christmas for some reason.  I do not kid, just try it and tell me if you feel the same.  It must be all that cinnamon, allspice and cardamom mixture!

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Greg Wise Reads Persuasion by Jane Austen

Well hello there, I thought i should share this great find as we all continue to recover from a very exciting Halloween weekend and face the real world.  So are you ready for a rather seductive coffee or tea break? Yes you say? Hmm…good, now all you have to do for a “more seductive break” is sit back and relax and watch the “The Carte Noire Readers” read your favorite literary love scene oh la la la.  Hopefully you got your own cube and a good set of headphones at work.  Are you ready? They will only begin if you’re sitting comfortably. Okay here it is, the suave Greg Wise reading a scene from Jane’s Austen’s Persuasion.

Speaking of Jane Austen, have you guys checked out this book trailer of the mashup Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters yet? It’s funny! 🙂


Still need more laughs? Then check out Austenbook, a Facebook newsfeed for Pride and Prejudice.

Hope you enjoy it, Happy Monday!

My tea for the moment: I’m trying out STASH’s premium Mango Passionfruit caffeine free herbal tea.  Hmm…it has a very citric taste to it, so if you like that, then try it out.

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