Tag Archives: stash organic premium white tea

My First Bubble Tea!

Bubble TeaYes, I finally tried Bubble Tea!  I don’t really know why it has taken me this long but I’m happy to inform everyone that I really enjoyed it.  This great occurrence took place at  The Saint’s Alps Teahouse in East Village.  I tried out the Green Milk Tea and it was great! At first I was a little confused as to how you order them, I was wondering if you would say, could I please have it with the bubbles? or the balls? but thanks to my friend I didn’t really make a fool of myself and said it rather properly as in, could I please have it with the tapioca balls? Actually “pearl tapioca” like their site describes it would have been better but I’m sure you’re saying who cares!? Hey, I say it’s good to know! Oh and speaking of sites, you should know that Saint Alps Teahouse site is actually the Hong K0ng one. So don’t be surprised if you see crazy high prices because those are actually in Hong Kong Dollars!  As for the tapiocas that I tried, they were chewy and didn’t really taste like anything to me.  I’m sure they vary from place to place?  Has any one of you tried them?  Yes? Then tell me your Bubble Tea story! 🙂

My Tea For The Moment: Just keeping it simple and drinking STASH’s Organic Premium White Tea.  It’s nice and light and goes perfect with the post ugly weather day!

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5 Things you should NOT DO at 3 am!

1. Bouncing any kind of object off the wall in a hallway that is near one’s sleeping abode! For your information I am may be living in a box but that does not mean I don’t deserve my own wall peace!  So if that is some sick way of brainstorming your life in the middle of the night, then guess what none of us care! So please do us all a favor and go rattle your own walls and doors.

2. LOL’ing or Laughing-Out-Loud is usually encouraged. However, if at 3am you have a sudden urge to laugh near rooms where people sleep then try LIL’ing! As in Laughing-In-Loud. Unless your laugh is going to contribute in me sleeping more, I would say keep it all In!

3. Shutting your door loudly as If you are being chased by a monster is not okay. Plus if you really are, then don’t you want to be discreet about it so the monster wouldn’t know where you are?

4. Speaking in a foreign language loudly is still loud! Just because I can’t understand you doesn’t mean I can’t hear you!  Next time, try your inside voice and gestures and by that I don’t mean inside gestures, just simple hand gestures.  It’s the most peaceful way to communicate in the middle of the night.

5. Music is good, but Opera singing at 3am is not!  Also not cool is when you decide to hear songs on repeat for hours.  Okay I liked it the first 5 times but seriously even my nightmares are annoyed.

Hopefully this will NOT  be an ongoing list!  Please feel free to add to this list. 🙂

My tea for the moment: I finally found the box for STASH organic premium white tea at the store again! Yay! This is one of my favorites and they’ve been out of this for a while. I think I might have to drink more than one cup though, it’s sooo…brrrrr… cold tonight.

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