Tag Archives: i hate spiders

Cassette Tapes = Cool Art

Now why didn’t I think of turning my old tapes into cool art? Hmm…well no worries, I think i just got an idea as to what I can do with my mountain of magazines back home! Ahh i love it, Imagine a giant paper  skeleton left standing in the recycling bin! I would love to see the reaction of the recycling truck man who by the way for some reason left all those magazine bags i left for them to pick up during this past hot summer.  Was it because it got too heavy for you? or because I broke some recycling bin code when i put 5 bags instead of 2 or what?   I’m just saying I haven’t forgotten that episode and I’m still upset!  It was a lot of hard work slaving away in the garage and getting tortured by spiders and other nasty insects that seemed to be all into reading all of a sudden okay.  And seriously spiders, what’s wrong with you?  Do you think I’m Little Miss Muffet and you will just frighten me away? Okay I was frightened a little bit when one of you decided to read along with me while I had the pile of magazine in my lap. Man, all those magazines up in the air was a huge mess, so thanks a lot spiders!

Going back to the old tapes, here is an example of the cool cassette tape art from artist Brian Dettmer.

Brian Dettmer: Cassette Tape Skeletons

Brian Dettmer: Cassette Tape Skeletons

You can check out the whole series at the following designboom’s site link

Brian Dettmer: Cassette Tape Skeletons

What do you guys think?

My tea for the moment:  I normally enjoy floral flavored teas but today I’m trying out Wild Raspberry (Caffeine Free) herbal tea from STASH. Wow this is a perfect mix, skeletons and red color tea! How nice, but seriously I don’t think I care for berry flavor teas, it’s a little too sour for me. But I’m not giving up yet or at least until I finish this whole sampler box I just got!