Tag Archives: hungry

Fortune Cookie’s Wise Instructions For The Day

Hello my friends! Hope you guys are having a great post V-day, Monday and oh of course a very happy Presidents’ Day!  So I was sitting there and day dreaming, having some tea and eating a fortune cookie when I looked down at the tiny piece of paper for a vague cookie prophecy because that’s what we all like to do.  Ha, and just like always a very special cookie message indeed, “The first step in making a dream come true is to wake up!”  Hey how did you know I was? Well, I wasn’t really dreaming you know…whatever Fortune Cookie, you’re weird.

Naturally to wake up and gain some energy,  I ate another one! And got the following message, “Your energy returns and you get things done.”

Woah! Now how did you know that Fortune Cookie?  Creepy, are you like the thesis police, have you been sent to remind me that I need to get back to work?   By the way, Fortune Cookies are not bad with tea at all.  Definitely a nice light snack to go with your delicious tea.

On another note do you need a good laugh?

Then check out the following:

The Muppets: Beaker’s Ballad

and the following list of songs and their descriptions.  You’ll have to click on the images in the bottom of the article.

My Tea For The Moment: I recommend trying out the White Peony tea at Radiance Tea House and Books.  First of all it was such a lovely find in the midtown area and the service was great too. As for the tea, It was really nice and light with this subtle hint of sweetness.  If you need something to eat with your tea, order a platter of Mochi.  You can choose 5 pieces from 9 flavors and they’re all Yum. My favorite from the five that we ordered was Green Tea, Black Sesame and Mango.  I’ll have to try the other four flavors next time!

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The Return 2010!

Hello hello, what’s up!? And I’m back!  First I need to apologize for my long break. I was so exhausted after the finals that I had to go in hibernation.  Granted I wasn’t planning on going away for that long but hey that’s what happens when you hibernate in a cold place with lots of snow!  I know, I know it wasn’t like I was hibernating out doors in an Igloo but still it was kind of like that and on top of that my muse went to hibernate as well. It’s not exactly back yet but since all the action starts today as in the new semester and craziness. I’m hoping it will return quite soon.

So hopefully everyone had a great break and a really happy New Years eve.   Before we move on, I just want to mention some future blogging plans.  Since this is my last semester and I will be extremely busy working on my thesis project, I might not be able to blog as much. I will try to blog at least once over the weekend.  In any case, I’ll see how the semester goes and if I find that I can do it more often then I sure will.  Plus, it also depends on how much you guys want me to keep writing.  So comments are encouraged!

I thought maybe I should start by sharing some of my hibernation period highlights. Some fun stuff I watched, ate and drank.  I might not be able to mention everything in this post but I’ll try to do them in my future posts if possible.

SO! One thing that I really enjoyed was this South Korean drama that my sister found.  It’s this old drama titled “Full House” starring Song Hye Kyo and Rain. You know the guy from Ninja Assassin.  This was a 16 episode drama done in 2004.   I had no idea how popular Rain was until after I watched this drama and the whole Stephen Colbert ongoing joke with Rain thing.  This was really a fun watch and I laughed a lot. I wish they made all dramas this short and sweet.  Song Hye Kyo’s acting was incredible and I wasn’t really sure of Rain’s acting in the first few episodes, however as the character and story developed so did his acting and ultimately they both ended up doing an amazing job.  They had a great chemistry and I hope they do something else together again soon.

If you’re interested in watching Full House then go here and follow the playlist.  They have it with English subtitles and that is how I watched it.  I wish I knew Korean but sadly I don’t.

Thanks hermana for telling me to check this one out! It definitely cheered me up!

I also got a chance to check out some not so typical Bollywood films.  One of them was Salman Khan’s “Wanted” I was interested in checking this one out because it’s directed by this amazing South Indian dancer, choreographer and actor Prabhu Deva. I think this was the first time that I actually didn’t mind checking out fight sequences in an Indian movie.  Normally you just want to forward through them.  The songs and dances are great and he definitely made Salman Khan look good after a very long time.  I think I liked it because it was very different and had a very stylish feel to it.  So if you’re looking for something different then check out this trailer.


Here is a cool song from the movie that i really like!

The other movie that I just loved was “3 Idiots.” Anything with Aamir Khan in it is usually good.  Everyone acted really well and Aamir Khan and Boman Irani should get an award for this one.   I can go on and on but for short, it’s fun from start to finish and really well done so check out the trailer.


By the way most Indian films come with English and other language subtitles in case you don’t know Hindi or Urdu and would like to rent them out.

And of course I had to watch Avatar, Sherlock Holmes and Princess and the Frog.  Maybe I’ll talk about these in detail in another post but for now I would say Avatar is a visual feast, Sherlock Holmes is fun if you’re open to new interpretations and The Princess and the Frog is really cute.   I basically enjoyed all three of them.  If you have a desire to discuss these in details then we can do that too.  Post a question and we shall ponder upon it!

No hibernation is complete without amazing food and I’m so glad that “Famous Hamburger” opened up a new branch in Ann Arbor, MI. I had some great burger feasts with the family and it was a lot of fun.  If you’re ever in town and are looking for halal burgers or not this is the place to be.  Everyone is really nice and the service is great.

Just look at it!  Ahh i’m hungry all over again! 🙂

I think this is a lot for the return.  I’m sure you guys don’t want to read this long of a post! So until next post, do good and be happy! Oh and a Happy 2010 to everyone! Hopefully it is full of happiness and exciting adventures!

My tea for the moment: I decided to try out Yogi Teas. This one is the Green Tea Collection and I’m specifically trying out the Green Tea Lemon Ginger flavor.  I wasn’t sure about this one by the way it has this strong Ginger lemon smell to it but it’s not as tangy as I thought it was going to be in taste. So not bad.

A Small Plate Of Miracle

chef-clip-artYou know something really interesting happened to me the other day. I came home hungry as usual and as I was about to think about eating, this lady that I have never talked to but lives on my floor brought me a dish of chicken Biryani! How many times does that happen in life? That you’re hungry and someone knocks on your door and hands you a free plate of food! It’s a miracle people! I mean it’s different if you know them but for it to come from a complete stranger, that’s crazy! I know what you’re thinking, be careful. Yeah I know, what if they drug me or something? Don’t worry, I ignored her husband’s dinner invitation for a special holiday during our elevator travel few days ago. As my cousin and I discussed, they could totally drug me and make my body disappear and no one will ever know! Ah then for many years everyone will wonder as to what happened to my body. By the way just so you know, this was a South Asian rice dish that I just love! I particularly love the Sindhi Biryani that my mom makes, it’s just yummy! There are many different kinds but this one is from province of Sindh in Pakistan. I don’t have my mom’s recipe but you can look at the image and get an idea of the recipe at this link http://www.ehow.com/how_4547771_cook-delicious-pakistani-food.html

My tea for the momentTapal Danedar black tea, my family’s favorite!  It’s a very popular brand of Pakistan. Try it with some milk and sugar like the Pakistani way.  If you have never heard of this brand,  you can check out a couple of their interesting ads here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3fDSB-my2U, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qXS7eYbuX8