Tag Archives: hopeful

Rally To Restore Sanity And/Or Fear And Some Reasonable Signs!

Yes, I did it! Friends, on a somewhat cold yet glorious day of October 30, I went to join fellow rational moderate Americans and restored some sanity and gave fear an evil eye. Arrrgh! Why? You ask. Well, why not is what I say! As a rational moderate individual that was certainly the most sane insane and reasonable thing for one to do. Granted most of us were quietly thinking, I’m not really sure why I’m here? Or now that I’m here, what exactly am I suppose to be doing? But no matter what, standing in a mile long metro line for tickets and running like a crazy bear into a packed metro (thank you NYC for training me in basics of forcing oneself into tight spaces) and happily marching on with everyone towards a common goal (the speaker, screen or a stage) was definitely worth it.  Somehow it all really did make sense!  And if it didn’t for any of you, then I’m glad because when nothing makes sense and madness takes over, it is best to just march it out friends. Remember, just March it out.

Here are some fun reasonable signs that I came across at the rally

If you could have gone but didn’t then you should be sad! Okay well don’t be too sad…oh God please don’t cry! Okay maybe a little, but not for too long because tears are precious.  If you’re a mess, then please go for some yo-yo time (not as in “you’re on your own” but more like playing with the second oldest toy in history!) And if you rather not play with toys, then how about some yoga? Try the upside-down pose or as Yoga peeps call it, the head stand posture because there is nothing like having the blood gush down your head in a tranquil way. Regardless, either should cheer your sad disposition up! If you still insist on being a pooper emo then how about simply jumping a rope? Personally it reminds me of those creepy little girls jumping rope in  A Nightmare on Elm Street and Freddy Krueger. Oooh okay that’s really dark but hey seeing the banana jump a rope with a Muslim at the rally was not so dark and was actually quite a lot of fun!

Hahaha that was funny and seriously if you’re still sad then you make me sick, please chill and get some tea, remember, “Don’t, Worry! Drink Chai!” 🙂

My Tea For The Moment:  Hahaha banana jumping the rope! Guess what that means? It’s peanut better jelly time! And speaking of fruits, how about some Harney & Sons Tropical Green? It’s the “Exotic green tea blend with pineapple flavor.” I’m usually not a big fan of fruit flavored teas but this one actually tastes quite good.

Dolly Chandelier Anyone?

Hmm…wow, so how do we feel about lighting up “Barbie like” dolls with bendable legs? Could this be your next dream light fixture?

My Tea For The Moment: The special Afghan green tea at Balk Shish Kabab House, one of my favorite Afghan restaurants in Astoria, NY. It’s a pleasant tea with a very nice aroma and flavor.  Quite enjoyable I must say!

Guest Animals At Your Next Tea Party

Next time you have a tea party, don’t forget to invite your friendly neighbor gorilla, monkeys, squirrels, dogs, cats, parrots or rats because apparently like us, this fine bunch can’t wait for their tea time either.

But seriously, do you really think they could all make the guest list? or not? let’s observe shall we?

Yes, a gorilla at a tea party would be nice and I think this one with his chilled cool demeanor would make a lovely guest for sure.

But would this cute little monkey be on the list?

Whoa! Okay that would be no, most certainly not.

Seriously, little fierce psycho monkey, you need to calm down! geez…

Moving on, I think you should really invite the cats because they’re just so cute and look so funny drinking tea

and dogs too!

and how about a parrot?

Oooh and let’s not forget your friendly hyper squirrels.  Here is a really brave squirrel diving into a cup of tea in front of two dogs!

I never really thought about horses, but why not? Might be a little messy to drink out of cup for them but this one definitely gets bonus points for trying.

I seriously don’t know about the next guest and quite honestly I was a little surprised to see this but regardless I now know and must accept that people have rats as pets, rats like drinking tea and NYC is NOT the only place on this planet where people have pet rats and where at least one dude out there likes to walk around with a rat on his head (no joke) and apparently people in UK dig rats as well phew! (Sorry didn’t mean to go all Henry James long sentence on you guys but seriously rats drinking tea?)

Alright they do seem to love tea and they are kind of cute so why not?

Any other animals you would like to invite at your tea party? 🙂

My Tea For The Moment: I was recently at the Crumbs Bake Shop and I can’t remember the exact name but I think I had the Genmaicha Green Tea, the one with the brown rice blend. In any case, I really enjoyed the flavor and it went well with the cupcakes.

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Drinking Tea Living Life

An enlightening short film that I came across a few days ago

So like I say don’t worry, drink chai!

My Tea For The Moment: Regular black Lipton Tea made with boiling water and some fresh mint leaves.  A friend of mine served me this once and I’ve been a fan of it ever since that day.  Thank you friend!


Saw a link for TROLOLOL  http://trololololololololololo.com/ in my twitter feed, clicked on it and saw this happy dude go trolololo and I was like what the heck is this? First there was massive confusion, as in is this for real? Seriously!? And then I just couldn’t stop laughing.  Every time I thought his trololololing was coming to end, he would pick and go on another trolololing ride. Seriously it goes on for like five minutes and you really can’t see the timer on the actual website, so you’re just mesmerized by his wig, awful lip-synching, and lalala trolololo’ing.    I had no idea that he was such an online sensation as the Russian Rickroll.  Today when I saw the sunlight after such a long time, I just wanted to go Trolololololol lalalalala hohohoho hahahaha…

I found this YouTube version in case you’re too scared to click on the actual website hehe.

For a little history on Edward Hill/Russian Rickroll – click here

Wondering what the heck is this whole Rickroll thing all about? Then go here

My Tea For The Moment: Recently A couple of friends and I decided to meet up at Argo Tea for the first time.  It was really nice, the service was great and the girl at the register was awesome and gave me some good recommendations. I had a Soy Green teapuccino with Vanilla. It’s basically tea with frothy milk and it tasted real good. To that I also added a warm apple tart which the girl told me would go perfect with my tea.  Overall a great place, so go check it out.  Just a note that It’s actually inside the Flatiron building on the Broadway side so make sure you go around the building before you start running up and down on parallel streets like I did hehe.

My First Bubble Tea!

Bubble TeaYes, I finally tried Bubble Tea!  I don’t really know why it has taken me this long but I’m happy to inform everyone that I really enjoyed it.  This great occurrence took place at  The Saint’s Alps Teahouse in East Village.  I tried out the Green Milk Tea and it was great! At first I was a little confused as to how you order them, I was wondering if you would say, could I please have it with the bubbles? or the balls? but thanks to my friend I didn’t really make a fool of myself and said it rather properly as in, could I please have it with the tapioca balls? Actually “pearl tapioca” like their site describes it would have been better but I’m sure you’re saying who cares!? Hey, I say it’s good to know! Oh and speaking of sites, you should know that Saint Alps Teahouse site is actually the Hong K0ng one. So don’t be surprised if you see crazy high prices because those are actually in Hong Kong Dollars!  As for the tapiocas that I tried, they were chewy and didn’t really taste like anything to me.  I’m sure they vary from place to place?  Has any one of you tried them?  Yes? Then tell me your Bubble Tea story! 🙂

My Tea For The Moment: Just keeping it simple and drinking STASH’s Organic Premium White Tea.  It’s nice and light and goes perfect with the post ugly weather day!

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It’s Time For A Final Exam Break!

Alright guys it’s time for me to go on a mini break. My finals begin next week! If all goes well, I shall return once the nightmare is over in two weeks!  Remember don’t worry, drink lots of chai, tea, coffee, hot cocoa, whatever you need to get through all your projects, papers, exams,  final thesis, or life in the next few weeks in general.  I leave you guys with some of my favorite musical compositions  that you can listen to while you study or just take a break.





There’s a whole album on concentration! Here’s one with beautiful pictures of Venice.


Good Luck guys! See Ya soon 🙂

My tea for the moment: Okay so besides going through the whole finals stress bit, I got sick this week as well.  The nasty cold finally caught me!  I’ve been coughing up a storm and the three teas that seemed to work on my throat were STASH’s Chamomile caffeine free herbal tea, Lemon Ginger caffeine free herbal tea and Chai White Tea.  All with a couple spoons of honey. Of course I didn’t drink all three at once but yes, I did drink them in all in a day.  I was basically just trying to fix my self as much as possible before my class and they each seem to have some key ingredient like Chamomile, Lemon, Ginger, Cinnamon etc so I thought hey why not!

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Cereal Selection and Therapy

If you’re the kind of person who spends endless hours in the cereal aisle because you just can’t seem to decide which cereal to get, then the handy flowchart from “What Should I Eat? Cereal Edition”  is just the handy  guide you need!

Even cereal mascots need therapy sometimes…


So which cereal do you like?  Favorite Cereal Mascot?

My tea for the moment: I’m trying out STASH’s Mangosteen Green Tea.  According to the box, It’s a green tea that “blends naturally sweet and slightly citrus mangosteen  fruit with juicy pear flavor.”  Mangosteen which is referred to as the “Queen of Fruits” in Asia also has a touch of Matcha which is speical green tea used in the Japanese tea ceremony.

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14832_197731714895_128086614895_4063287_3097452_nYes my friends that’s what we all said when we said goodbye to Phantom of the Opera. At least I did when I left Majestic theatre that fine night over a weekend. I was so sure I wasn’t coming back to NYC (sniff sniff) but hey who knew I would be back! And now, Phantom will return as well! Yes you heard it right, he’s a coming back.  So if you ever thought hey I wonder what happened to that Phantom dude? Or that gal Christine? Or Raoul?  Well guess what your dream will finally come true.

Earlier this month, Andrew Lloyd Webber did a press launch at Her Majesty’s Theatre for “Love Never Dies” the highly anticipated sequel to The Phantom of the Opera, the longest running Broadway show in history.  The new musical story will take place ten years after the end of The Phantom of the Opera at Coney Island in Brooklyn! Yes that’s what happened to him, he immigrated to USA! Woo hoo.  By the way do you know that about hundred years ago Coney Island was like the 8th wonder of the world? Yeah seriously! Kind of hard to believe after my last visit over the summer but hey that’s what it was according to Andrew Webber.

Okay are you guys ready?  Here’s the video of the press launch.  It starts out with an introductory film that summarizes the success of the Phantom and later Webber talks about the sequel and introduces “The Coney Island Waltz” – Quite lovely!  Ooh and the best part comes around 11:41 when Ramin Karimloo performs “Till I Hear You Sing” – Karimloo will play the Phantom and Sierra Boggess (originated the role of Ariel in The Little Mermaid on Broadway 2007-May 2009) will be the new Christine Daae.  Ramin Karimloo is also currently performing the Phantom in the London production.


“Love Never Dies” will premiere in London at the Adelphi Theatre on Tuesday March 9, 2010 (previews from February 20) and New York on Thursday November 11, 2010! Overall thoughts?  Are you excited?  Will you fly to London to check it out or wait till it comes to NYC?

And if by any chance you can’t or haven’t watched any theatrical performances of The Phantom Of The Opera yet, I highly recommend you run, walk, or drive  to your nearest library or get it online and specifically check out the original cast of Webber’s production that started in 1986 with Michael Crawford and Sarah Brightman.  And after that you may check out the 2004 film adaptation staring Gerard Butler and Emmy Rossum.

My tea for the moment: TAZO Lotus Decaffeinated Green Tea with subtle essence of lotus blossoms. Sounds good doesn’t it? hehe  Actually it is especially since I enjoy flower flavors.

Phantom Links
Love Never Dies – Official Website
Love Never Dies – Blog

The Phantom Of The Opera – Official Website


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So What’s The Deal With The Balloon Boy?

477I don’t know if you guys heard but today was all about the balloon boy! When I first saw the title I was like oooh a real life “UP” maybe?  Ahh that would be so cool!  Finally, I would be able to travel around the globe in the cheapest way possible.  Okay so it might be a little risky, scary, and perhaps a little too adventurous, hmm…yeah I can see being attacked by birds especially Hitchcock’s “Birds” they were all so creepy, and there is the whole thing with coming into a plane’s way but hey let’s not go there, yikes and what if all the balloons popped!? I mean are helium balloons really durable? And of course am I really qualified as a grumpy old person yet?  But then does it really matter? At least they take you up, up and away and you don’t have to worry about checking in or paying fees for your luggage, see what I’m saying (taking a sip of my hot beverage) Ahhh…lovely! Ok so how did I get here, YES! The balloon boy!

So after all that serious thinking I actually read the article and saw the picture of the runaway balloon.   Two things, one the balloon boy is really not a balloon boy because guess 1A-Balloon-1016.ART0_GP2RNQGA.1+NY123__CORRECTION_Boy_in_Ba.JPG.embedded.prod_affiliate.156what? He never even got on the balloon! Whaaat!? Yeah, that’s what I said! He was actually just hiding in the attic because his father had yelled at him earlier.  It was his older brother who told the dad that “Falcon” that’s the kids name might have taken a flight! And you can imagine the rest of the horror! But fortunately little Falcon is just fine. And second, this is no “UP” kind of balloon ride! I was so disappointed to see a gray flying saucer looking balloon instead.  Really? What is this? Man, I was really hoping to see thousands of colorful balloons with an attached house floating around.

Anyways the good news is little Falcon is out of hiding and his father will try never to yell at him again.  Unfortunately on the other hand people are now debating whether or not this whole thing was real or a hoax? I don’t know and I don’t care!  But in case you want to hear the whole interview, check out not the balloon boy and his family in an interview in the following link.


My tea for the momentLipton‘s Decaffeinated Black Tea.  Try it with some milk and sugar or without with a touch of mint.  Either way it’s a great black tea for such a brrrr…cold weather!