Well hello there, I thought i should share this great find as we all continue to recover from a very exciting Halloween weekend and face the real world. So are you ready for a rather seductive coffee or tea break? Yes you say? Hmm…good, now all you have to do for a “more seductive break” is sit back and relax and watch the “The Carte Noire Readers” read your favorite literary love scene oh la la la. Hopefully you got your own cube and a good set of headphones at work. Are you ready? They will only begin if you’re sitting comfortably. Okay here it is, the suave
Greg Wise reading a scene from Jane’s Austen’s Persuasion.
Speaking of Jane Austen, have you guys checked out this book trailer of the mashup Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters yet? It’s funny! 🙂
Still need more laughs? Then check out Austenbook, a Facebook newsfeed for Pride and Prejudice.
Hope you enjoy it, Happy Monday!
My tea for the moment: I’m trying out STASH’s premium Mango Passionfruit caffeine free herbal tea. Hmm…it has a very citric taste to it, so if you like that, then try it out.