Tag Archives: celestial seasonings

It’s Snack time!

healthy_meal_cd2dNo, not nap time! I said snack time! Although I must say it’s just as good as a naptime, don’t you think?  After all, the perfect snack contributes to a perfect nap time. Okay seriously, don’t try this at work because snoozing is not good, particularly if you’re in a cube setting or in the theatre!  Yes, we can hear you snore! And hey you, yes, YOU texting in the middle of the dark movie theatre, we can all see you, so stop it before I send the phone snatchers after you!  Ahhh so where was I?  yes snacks, they fill our hearts with joy and lights up our eyes.  As soon as we hear that growl in our tummy, our mind goes ping! Then it’s all about the Snack time!

You know that when you were pretending to be all busy and working away and staring at the computer screen, what you were actually thinking about was man, what will I have for lunch today? Or what quick snack would do me good right now?  Or I’m so hungry I can’t concentrate are those even words coming out of his/her mouth?  Whether it’s that long dreadful day at work, or the peak hunger hours of 6-9 of class hours, or watching a game, movie, or a TV show or maybe it’s just when you used your brain too much or spoke too much. Basically you feel exhausted and hungry! And all you want are SNACKS! IMG_9064

Well to help you guys out, I have decided to occasionally share with you some snacks I consider healthy or more like wholesome. I am looking at a snack that will fit nicely in a Ziploc bag and then in your bag or purse, something that will give you the feeling of being full without any guilt.  And it won’t hurt if it was a little healthy too hehe. I am not an expert but as a poor student trying to balance life and school, I have been able to find some interesting food options to help me live. Perhaps you might like some of these snack options as well?

IMG_9065My first find are Thomas’ “Bagel Holes!”  I know what you’re thinking looking at that little girls happy picture and no they’re not only for the kids! Big kids and their moms can eat them too okay.  They’re great because they’re really like these small round bagels or holes.  Although I don’t get why they are holes? Seriously if it is a hole then shouldn’t you literally see a hole? like as in a doughnut?  In any case, I do agree when they say it’s “Breakfast That’s Good To Go!” or more like a snack that’s good to go. You can pack about 2-4 holes in a bag and it fuels you up good.  I tried the Blueberry ones and they were so yummy.  If you have tried them, did you like them? If not, let me know when you do try them.

My tea for the moment: Celestial Seasonings’ Decaf Green Tea with (Bai Mu Dan) White Tea.  This is an interesting blend for sure.  Is anyone a fan of green and white tea fusions?  I think white tea normally tastes much better on its own.  Have you guys tried fusions before? Do you like them? yes? no?