Category Archives: This is crazy!

Rally To Restore Sanity And/Or Fear And Some Reasonable Signs!

Yes, I did it! Friends, on a somewhat cold yet glorious day of October 30, I went to join fellow rational moderate Americans and restored some sanity and gave fear an evil eye. Arrrgh! Why? You ask. Well, why not is what I say! As a rational moderate individual that was certainly the most sane insane and reasonable thing for one to do. Granted most of us were quietly thinking, I’m not really sure why I’m here? Or now that I’m here, what exactly am I suppose to be doing? But no matter what, standing in a mile long metro line for tickets and running like a crazy bear into a packed metro (thank you NYC for training me in basics of forcing oneself into tight spaces) and happily marching on with everyone towards a common goal (the speaker, screen or a stage) was definitely worth it.  Somehow it all really did make sense!  And if it didn’t for any of you, then I’m glad because when nothing makes sense and madness takes over, it is best to just march it out friends. Remember, just March it out.

Here are some fun reasonable signs that I came across at the rally

If you could have gone but didn’t then you should be sad! Okay well don’t be too sad…oh God please don’t cry! Okay maybe a little, but not for too long because tears are precious.  If you’re a mess, then please go for some yo-yo time (not as in “you’re on your own” but more like playing with the second oldest toy in history!) And if you rather not play with toys, then how about some yoga? Try the upside-down pose or as Yoga peeps call it, the head stand posture because there is nothing like having the blood gush down your head in a tranquil way. Regardless, either should cheer your sad disposition up! If you still insist on being a pooper emo then how about simply jumping a rope? Personally it reminds me of those creepy little girls jumping rope in  A Nightmare on Elm Street and Freddy Krueger. Oooh okay that’s really dark but hey seeing the banana jump a rope with a Muslim at the rally was not so dark and was actually quite a lot of fun!

Hahaha that was funny and seriously if you’re still sad then you make me sick, please chill and get some tea, remember, “Don’t, Worry! Drink Chai!” 🙂

My Tea For The Moment:  Hahaha banana jumping the rope! Guess what that means? It’s peanut better jelly time! And speaking of fruits, how about some Harney & Sons Tropical Green? It’s the “Exotic green tea blend with pineapple flavor.” I’m usually not a big fan of fruit flavored teas but this one actually tastes quite good.

Dolly Chandelier Anyone?

Hmm…wow, so how do we feel about lighting up “Barbie like” dolls with bendable legs? Could this be your next dream light fixture?

My Tea For The Moment: The special Afghan green tea at Balk Shish Kabab House, one of my favorite Afghan restaurants in Astoria, NY. It’s a pleasant tea with a very nice aroma and flavor.  Quite enjoyable I must say!

Guest Animals At Your Next Tea Party

Next time you have a tea party, don’t forget to invite your friendly neighbor gorilla, monkeys, squirrels, dogs, cats, parrots or rats because apparently like us, this fine bunch can’t wait for their tea time either.

But seriously, do you really think they could all make the guest list? or not? let’s observe shall we?

Yes, a gorilla at a tea party would be nice and I think this one with his chilled cool demeanor would make a lovely guest for sure.

But would this cute little monkey be on the list?

Whoa! Okay that would be no, most certainly not.

Seriously, little fierce psycho monkey, you need to calm down! geez…

Moving on, I think you should really invite the cats because they’re just so cute and look so funny drinking tea

and dogs too!

and how about a parrot?

Oooh and let’s not forget your friendly hyper squirrels.  Here is a really brave squirrel diving into a cup of tea in front of two dogs!

I never really thought about horses, but why not? Might be a little messy to drink out of cup for them but this one definitely gets bonus points for trying.

I seriously don’t know about the next guest and quite honestly I was a little surprised to see this but regardless I now know and must accept that people have rats as pets, rats like drinking tea and NYC is NOT the only place on this planet where people have pet rats and where at least one dude out there likes to walk around with a rat on his head (no joke) and apparently people in UK dig rats as well phew! (Sorry didn’t mean to go all Henry James long sentence on you guys but seriously rats drinking tea?)

Alright they do seem to love tea and they are kind of cute so why not?

Any other animals you would like to invite at your tea party? 🙂

My Tea For The Moment: I was recently at the Crumbs Bake Shop and I can’t remember the exact name but I think I had the Genmaicha Green Tea, the one with the brown rice blend. In any case, I really enjoyed the flavor and it went well with the cupcakes.

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How To Do The Pizza Dance!

So do you think the purpose of the pizza dance is to workout as you eat your pizza?  Or is it to distract the person you want to steal the pizza from? Regardless, I’m thankful for the detailed dance instructions!

Could this be the next macarena dance sensation for the weddings and parties? It definitely has that annoying addictive potential.  Here you can see how you and your buddies or fellow stranger pizza dancers would appear dancing with a pizza slice in a group.

Like it? Alright then get to it and start your pizza dance practice today! 🙂

My Tea For The Moment: If i could I would make some iced tea right now but I’m trying Twinnings Pure Camomile that’s made with pure golden camomile. I personally really like this particular brand.  Just give it a try the next time you’re not feeling well or coming down with a cold. Just add a little honey and you will be on your way to some nice relaxing time.

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What NOT to do to your fake cat!

One thing you should never do to your fake cat is? Yes, you got it? Ah…okay no, It’s not beating it sensibly or senselessly for no reason or talking to it.  What you should never do to your beautiful Persian Himalayan fake cat is put it in the dryer! That’s right, unless you want your cat to turn into a mutated lamb cat and use it as a topic of discussion for those awkward silent moments with guests when you really have nothing to say.  So as much as you would like to (MOM, are you listening?) Some things are just better left dusty, seriously.


Speaking of pets, do you ever wish you could have a two-way communication with them? Now this time, I mean the real ones. For example, maybe you wanted to know why Billy the goat was eating all your print? Seriously goat, aren’t newspapers in enough trouble already? Or maybe you wanted to know why Percey the cat has gone morbid and is now bringing dead creatures into your house, or why the crazy raccoon is stealing your door rugs at night?  This could go on forever and I’m sure you guys have a list of your own.  In any case, I think I’ve found something that might help us all out.

I came across Google translate for animals one day and my first reaction was, well of course that’s exactly the kind of thing I need 😉

okay sheep = funny 🙂

I know you’re thinking, could this really be? Well why don’t you observe the date for the video very closely and you’ll get your answer! Hahaha well it was fun while it lasted 🙂 Now please stop wasting time and go back to work.

My Tea For The Moment: I had some Jasmine Pearl tea at Koryodang café located in Korea Town recently and it was great.  I know it’s kind of hot for tea but it was actually really nice and cool inside so I thought why not.  If you’re looking for a good place to meet up with friends or have a snack then definitely check this place out.

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Saw a link for TROLOLOL in my twitter feed, clicked on it and saw this happy dude go trolololo and I was like what the heck is this? First there was massive confusion, as in is this for real? Seriously!? And then I just couldn’t stop laughing.  Every time I thought his trololololing was coming to end, he would pick and go on another trolololing ride. Seriously it goes on for like five minutes and you really can’t see the timer on the actual website, so you’re just mesmerized by his wig, awful lip-synching, and lalala trolololo’ing.    I had no idea that he was such an online sensation as the Russian Rickroll.  Today when I saw the sunlight after such a long time, I just wanted to go Trolololololol lalalalala hohohoho hahahaha…

I found this YouTube version in case you’re too scared to click on the actual website hehe.

For a little history on Edward Hill/Russian Rickroll – click here

Wondering what the heck is this whole Rickroll thing all about? Then go here

My Tea For The Moment: Recently A couple of friends and I decided to meet up at Argo Tea for the first time.  It was really nice, the service was great and the girl at the register was awesome and gave me some good recommendations. I had a Soy Green teapuccino with Vanilla. It’s basically tea with frothy milk and it tasted real good. To that I also added a warm apple tart which the girl told me would go perfect with my tea.  Overall a great place, so go check it out.  Just a note that It’s actually inside the Flatiron building on the Broadway side so make sure you go around the building before you start running up and down on parallel streets like I did hehe.

Largest Book, Egg Watcher, and Tai Shan the Panda!

Hello everyone!  So here’s some interesting random stuff that I came across.  If you want to read the articles or explore the websites in detail, just click on the images.

First we have the World’s Largest book display!  It’s like 5′ (tall) x 6′ (wide) and requires six people to lift it!  This 350 year old Klencke Atlas was apparently presented to King Charles II by Dutch merchants and placed in his cabinet of curiosities! This will be one of the main highlights during this Summer’s big exhibition on maps by the British Library.
A few things that came to my mind as I saw this.  First, I want to know what else was in that cabinet of curiosities?  Giant pen? Oooh a magnifying glass to read the giant book?  A dinosaur?  Who knows maybe there were giant sized gems? or Aladdin’s lamp? Okay i know that it’s not a ‘Giant’ cabinet of curiosities but still. You know, I think I would love to have my own cabinet of curiosities! How fun! Although If i made such a cabinet in my parent’s house, they’ll most likely declare it as trash and sent every item to Purple Heart.  Seriously sometimes I wonder if they think they are a trash or a recycling center.  Second, I was thinking wow what If I really had a giant book as part of my decor? What are the chances that it will fall on my guests? or heck, on me?  Then I’ll be really living inside the book 🙂 Imagine trying to swap such a book.  Back then maybe you needed a buggy or a Donkey cart, today you’ll most likely need  6 men and a truck to move this piece of art!  I find it cool how the Kings supported publishing back in those days.  If nothing at least books were a status symbol! Could we say the same today?

Next on the list is this cool EggWatchers site that I came across.  With their help watching boring eggs boil will never be the same again.  Basically they present you with an egg timer that will entertain you while your eggs get boiled.  So you give them your egg preferences and it tells you exactly how many minutes it will take to cook your egg.  During that time, they hook you up with a cool video that is equal to that exact cooking time.  When the video is done, Ping! Your eggs will hopefully be ready. This way you don’t have to stare at the boring eggs and get bored!

Lastly, I would like all of you to join me in saying goodbye to Tai Shan the cute panda who will be FedExed to Chengdu, China soon. Not in a box of course but a large steel crate.  Tai Shan my cuddly friend I hope you have a safe and happy journey! Enjoy your bamboo, fruits and cookies! 🙂

You can listen to his story and read related articles at NPR.

My Tea For The Moment: I tried out TWININGS of London’s Fujian Chinese Pure White Tea. This has a very light flavor strength to it.  I think this one tastes the best if steeped only for one minute. The first time i let it steep for over 3 minutes and it killed its delicate smooth flavor.

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Inflatable Turkey Anyone?

Inflatable Turkey in a can!  Seriously? What could you possibly do with an Inflatable Turkey? Tease your guests?  Or starving students? And i can’t believe it’s out of stock till 2010! What craziness is this people!?

My tea for the moment: I’m going with some solid Jasmine Green tea.  By solid I mean your basic loose tea.  I’ve noticed that I don’t really have to strain this particular one since after a few seconds, it just sits in the bottom.  However, there have been other kinds where depending on the mix it will float to the top.  That usually happens if there are petals involved.

4 Most Creepy Little Kids!

Guys… I think I’m hearing voices! Okay now before you jump to conclusions and ignore me like the parents of the sane kid  in a horror movie who tells the parents that he or she is hearing stuff but instead of listening or believing in the child they just declare him or her insane and  ship them to the nearest shrink, Phew!  Just hear me out.  So for the past few days, I’ve been hearing voices or more like cryings of a kid particularly around the bathroom walls.   First I was like hey, someone give this kid some bubbles! Because you know bubbles are awesome and they always cheer people up! But then, his constant combo of crying and laughing at the same time, started reminding of all the creepy little kids that have haunted us for so many years.

So with thought,  here is my list of

4 most creepy little kids that just give me the creepers!

4.  The creepy girl from “The Ring” (2002) –  The most creepy scene was when she comes out of the TV.  That’s a definite “do” to give someone a heart attack.

3.  The creepy little boy from “The Grudge” (2004) –  This boy was really messed up and the most creepy sound was that came out of his mouth and the most creepy scene was when he appeared under the desk like a little perv hehe.

2.  The cute yet creepy little boy from “Pet Sematary” (1989) – Aww…he was really really cute but sadly very creepy!

1.  The most creepy and perhaps horrifying kid of all time has to be Regan from “The Exorcist” (1973).  There are just too many creepy scenes but the head rotating thing and the backwards stair walk is enough to creep you out for life!

Now after revisiting some of these creepy kids, I’m sure you all need a little laugh!  First, the funny George Lopez just started the “Creepy Little White Girl” bit on his show.  So check it out, it should you creep you into some laughter.


Finally not all babies are creepy,  this one is so cute and makes me want to laugh like crazy every single time I watch it!


My tea of the moment: How about some STASH peppermint caffeine free herbal tea.  If you like minty stuff then this is for you.  Creepy kids and minty tea now doesn’t that just cheer you up! hehe.  Enjoy!

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I Want A Dunk Mug!

Just what I always wanted, Yes! It’s a dual purpose Dunk Mug guys! A cup with a little shelf aww…Thanks Mr. Designer Dominic Skinner, You are a genius!  I have to say this is the perfect gift for an habitual dunker! or dipper! Hmm…do you dunk cookies in tea? or do you dip cookies in tea? Well whatever it is, I like it.  The only problem is that it fits only three Digestives to be specific! No worries who finishes up a whole bag of cookies anyways? Hehe well okay maybe sometimes, but it’s not like a bag of 2o or something geez…Sooo….what do you guys think?  Will this make your holiday wish list?

My tea for the moment: Ahh I feel like having some tea with milk and sugar after seeing the tea in the dunk mug!  Yay I actually found some Decaffeinated Lipton tea.  Hmm…but don’t have milk though, perhaps I could try some coffee-mate in there?  Okay I will try and if it all goes well then you should hear back from me soon! 🙂

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