Category Archives: special Holidays

It’s Time For A Final Exam Break!

Alright guys it’s time for me to go on a mini break. My finals begin next week! If all goes well, I shall return once the nightmare is over in two weeks!  Remember don’t worry, drink lots of chai, tea, coffee, hot cocoa, whatever you need to get through all your projects, papers, exams,  final thesis, or life in the next few weeks in general.  I leave you guys with some of my favorite musical compositions  that you can listen to while you study or just take a break.





There’s a whole album on concentration! Here’s one with beautiful pictures of Venice.


Good Luck guys! See Ya soon 🙂

My tea for the moment: Okay so besides going through the whole finals stress bit, I got sick this week as well.  The nasty cold finally caught me!  I’ve been coughing up a storm and the three teas that seemed to work on my throat were STASH’s Chamomile caffeine free herbal tea, Lemon Ginger caffeine free herbal tea and Chai White Tea.  All with a couple spoons of honey. Of course I didn’t drink all three at once but yes, I did drink them in all in a day.  I was basically just trying to fix my self as much as possible before my class and they each seem to have some key ingredient like Chamomile, Lemon, Ginger, Cinnamon etc so I thought hey why not!

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Fun Thanksgiving Day Videos To Go With Your Turkey Sandwich!

Hi everyone! Just wanted to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving Day! As you guys eventually sit back and relax and munch on those post turkey dinner sandwiches, here are some fun Thanksgiving videos that will make you smile!

Cats celebrate Thanksgiving too you know! hehe.


Remember when Joey in Friends got a turkey stuck on his head! This was one of the funniest scenes ever.


And then there are these two funny ads…


I’m sure everyone has had at least one slippery turkey moment! hahaha.


My tea for the moment: I was wondering if there are any special Thanksgiving day tea flavors out there and guess what? I found this “Pumpkin Chai Tea” that sounds like an interesting blend.  It’s by Coffee Bean Direct and you can read the details here  If any of you already tried this one, let me know!

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Inflatable Turkey Anyone?

Inflatable Turkey in a can!  Seriously? What could you possibly do with an Inflatable Turkey? Tease your guests?  Or starving students? And i can’t believe it’s out of stock till 2010! What craziness is this people!?

My tea for the moment: I’m going with some solid Jasmine Green tea.  By solid I mean your basic loose tea.  I’ve noticed that I don’t really have to strain this particular one since after a few seconds, it just sits in the bottom.  However, there have been other kinds where depending on the mix it will float to the top.  That usually happens if there are petals involved.