Category Archives: Music


Saw a link for TROLOLOL in my twitter feed, clicked on it and saw this happy dude go trolololo and I was like what the heck is this? First there was massive confusion, as in is this for real? Seriously!? And then I just couldn’t stop laughing.  Every time I thought his trololololing was coming to end, he would pick and go on another trolololing ride. Seriously it goes on for like five minutes and you really can’t see the timer on the actual website, so you’re just mesmerized by his wig, awful lip-synching, and lalala trolololo’ing.    I had no idea that he was such an online sensation as the Russian Rickroll.  Today when I saw the sunlight after such a long time, I just wanted to go Trolololololol lalalalala hohohoho hahahaha…

I found this YouTube version in case you’re too scared to click on the actual website hehe.

For a little history on Edward Hill/Russian Rickroll – click here

Wondering what the heck is this whole Rickroll thing all about? Then go here

My Tea For The Moment: Recently A couple of friends and I decided to meet up at Argo Tea for the first time.  It was really nice, the service was great and the girl at the register was awesome and gave me some good recommendations. I had a Soy Green teapuccino with Vanilla. It’s basically tea with frothy milk and it tasted real good. To that I also added a warm apple tart which the girl told me would go perfect with my tea.  Overall a great place, so go check it out.  Just a note that It’s actually inside the Flatiron building on the Broadway side so make sure you go around the building before you start running up and down on parallel streets like I did hehe.

It’s Time For A Final Exam Break!

Alright guys it’s time for me to go on a mini break. My finals begin next week! If all goes well, I shall return once the nightmare is over in two weeks!  Remember don’t worry, drink lots of chai, tea, coffee, hot cocoa, whatever you need to get through all your projects, papers, exams,  final thesis, or life in the next few weeks in general.  I leave you guys with some of my favorite musical compositions  that you can listen to while you study or just take a break.





There’s a whole album on concentration! Here’s one with beautiful pictures of Venice.


Good Luck guys! See Ya soon 🙂

My tea for the moment: Okay so besides going through the whole finals stress bit, I got sick this week as well.  The nasty cold finally caught me!  I’ve been coughing up a storm and the three teas that seemed to work on my throat were STASH’s Chamomile caffeine free herbal tea, Lemon Ginger caffeine free herbal tea and Chai White Tea.  All with a couple spoons of honey. Of course I didn’t drink all three at once but yes, I did drink them in all in a day.  I was basically just trying to fix my self as much as possible before my class and they each seem to have some key ingredient like Chamomile, Lemon, Ginger, Cinnamon etc so I thought hey why not!

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