Category Archives: I want this!

Dolly Chandelier Anyone?

Hmm…wow, so how do we feel about lighting up “Barbie like” dolls with bendable legs? Could this be your next dream light fixture?

My Tea For The Moment: The special Afghan green tea at Balk Shish Kabab House, one of my favorite Afghan restaurants in Astoria, NY. It’s a pleasant tea with a very nice aroma and flavor.  Quite enjoyable I must say!

I Want A BookBook!

BookbookNow this is one of those combos that I just want!   A cool vintage hardcover book case combined with a velvety soft padded interior for my MacBook Pro to sleep in zzzz…. Ah, it’s so comfortable! Lovely visual isn’t it? The only problem is that the one nestled inside the book cannot be my baby! Oh why, you say so sadly? Well you see, I have a 17-inch and this amazing thing is only available  for 13-inch and  15-inch MacBook and MacBook Pros.  Tears…oh well I don’t have funds to invest in a $79.99 cover right now anyways.  But if there was one available in that size, do you think it would look odd for me to be walking around with a huge vintage book everywhere?  I think I would just tell people that I love old vintage books so I like to carry one everywhere I go 🙂 and then of course sniff it really hard.  You know this is also quite symbolic of the whole print vs. digital debate.  Don’t you think?  I must say that although this is an awesome way to disguise your laptop, you might want to be careful if you live in a house where someone loves to donate or sell books!  You don’t want to come home and find out that your awesome vintage book was donated to Salvation Army or maybe even to Africa!  I can just imagine the joy on some little kids face 🙂

For details, you can read the Press Release for this amazing thing!

And If you want to buy it, look at more pics, or just drool over it, go here

My Tea For The Moment: So during my recent grocery shopping adventure, I came across Bromley Decaffeinated Green Tea.  It was on sale and has 48 tea bags in a box! Definitely a great deal, plus it actually taste quite decent.  I’m glad I like it because I just realized that I will be drinking this one for a while hehe.

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