Category Archives: Cool Art and Design

I Want A Dunk Mug!

Just what I always wanted, Yes! It’s a dual purpose Dunk Mug guys! A cup with a little shelf aww…Thanks Mr. Designer Dominic Skinner, You are a genius!  I have to say this is the perfect gift for an habitual dunker! or dipper! Hmm…do you dunk cookies in tea? or do you dip cookies in tea? Well whatever it is, I like it.  The only problem is that it fits only three Digestives to be specific! No worries who finishes up a whole bag of cookies anyways? Hehe well okay maybe sometimes, but it’s not like a bag of 2o or something geez…Sooo….what do you guys think?  Will this make your holiday wish list?

My tea for the moment: Ahh I feel like having some tea with milk and sugar after seeing the tea in the dunk mug!  Yay I actually found some Decaffeinated Lipton tea.  Hmm…but don’t have milk though, perhaps I could try some coffee-mate in there?  Okay I will try and if it all goes well then you should hear back from me soon! 🙂

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Cassette Tapes = Cool Art

Now why didn’t I think of turning my old tapes into cool art? Hmm…well no worries, I think i just got an idea as to what I can do with my mountain of magazines back home! Ahh i love it, Imagine a giant paper  skeleton left standing in the recycling bin! I would love to see the reaction of the recycling truck man who by the way for some reason left all those magazine bags i left for them to pick up during this past hot summer.  Was it because it got too heavy for you? or because I broke some recycling bin code when i put 5 bags instead of 2 or what?   I’m just saying I haven’t forgotten that episode and I’m still upset!  It was a lot of hard work slaving away in the garage and getting tortured by spiders and other nasty insects that seemed to be all into reading all of a sudden okay.  And seriously spiders, what’s wrong with you?  Do you think I’m Little Miss Muffet and you will just frighten me away? Okay I was frightened a little bit when one of you decided to read along with me while I had the pile of magazine in my lap. Man, all those magazines up in the air was a huge mess, so thanks a lot spiders!

Going back to the old tapes, here is an example of the cool cassette tape art from artist Brian Dettmer.

Brian Dettmer: Cassette Tape Skeletons

Brian Dettmer: Cassette Tape Skeletons

You can check out the whole series at the following designboom’s site link

Brian Dettmer: Cassette Tape Skeletons

What do you guys think?

My tea for the moment:  I normally enjoy floral flavored teas but today I’m trying out Wild Raspberry (Caffeine Free) herbal tea from STASH. Wow this is a perfect mix, skeletons and red color tea! How nice, but seriously I don’t think I care for berry flavor teas, it’s a little too sour for me. But I’m not giving up yet or at least until I finish this whole sampler box I just got!