Rally To Restore Sanity And/Or Fear And Some Reasonable Signs!

Yes, I did it! Friends, on a somewhat cold yet glorious day of October 30, I went to join fellow rational moderate Americans and restored some sanity and gave fear an evil eye. Arrrgh! Why? You ask. Well, why not is what I say! As a rational moderate individual that was certainly the most sane insane and reasonable thing for one to do. Granted most of us were quietly thinking, I’m not really sure why I’m here? Or now that I’m here, what exactly am I suppose to be doing? But no matter what, standing in a mile long metro line for tickets and running like a crazy bear into a packed metro (thank you NYC for training me in basics of forcing oneself into tight spaces) and happily marching on with everyone towards a common goal (the speaker, screen or a stage) was definitely worth it.  Somehow it all really did make sense!  And if it didn’t for any of you, then I’m glad because when nothing makes sense and madness takes over, it is best to just march it out friends. Remember, just March it out.

Here are some fun reasonable signs that I came across at the rally

If you could have gone but didn’t then you should be sad! Okay well don’t be too sad…oh God please don’t cry! Okay maybe a little, but not for too long because tears are precious.  If you’re a mess, then please go for some yo-yo time (not as in “you’re on your own” but more like playing with the second oldest toy in history!) And if you rather not play with toys, then how about some yoga? Try the upside-down pose or as Yoga peeps call it, the head stand posture because there is nothing like having the blood gush down your head in a tranquil way. Regardless, either should cheer your sad disposition up! If you still insist on being a pooper emo then how about simply jumping a rope? Personally it reminds me of those creepy little girls jumping rope in  A Nightmare on Elm Street and Freddy Krueger. Oooh okay that’s really dark but hey seeing the banana jump a rope with a Muslim at the rally was not so dark and was actually quite a lot of fun!

Hahaha that was funny and seriously if you’re still sad then you make me sick, please chill and get some tea, remember, “Don’t, Worry! Drink Chai!” 🙂

My Tea For The Moment:  Hahaha banana jumping the rope! Guess what that means? It’s peanut better jelly time! And speaking of fruits, how about some Harney & Sons Tropical Green? It’s the “Exotic green tea blend with pineapple flavor.” I’m usually not a big fan of fruit flavored teas but this one actually tastes quite good.

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