Monthly Archives: February 2010

What’s Your Favorite Snack With Tea?

Assorted cakes and teacups laid out on table, outdoors, close-upSo what kind of good snacks do you like to have with your tea?  I have a long list but some favorites include cookies, scones, any thing on a toast especially if it’s black tea or regular Chai.  Oh and tea rusks! The ones that are round in shape.  I don’t really care for the flat kind.  I grew up calling them “papa” for singular or “papay” for plural and I always laughed when I heard someone say I want a Papa since a lot of people call their dad Papa hahaha, yeah I still crack up! I’m not sure if that’s just my family thing or specifically a Karachi, Pakistan thing, but It’s always been Chai Papay for my family and I.   I’m glad a lot of the South Asian stores carry them here so you can actually try them out.   They are so Yum especially if you put jelly and butter or margarine on them! They’re just the perfect snacks with Chai.

My Tea For The Moment: I feel like I need some energy so I’m going to try Yogi Tea’s Green Tea Energy. Let’s see if it really revives my body since I still have a lot to do.

Fortune Cookie’s Wise Instructions For The Day

Hello my friends! Hope you guys are having a great post V-day, Monday and oh of course a very happy Presidents’ Day!  So I was sitting there and day dreaming, having some tea and eating a fortune cookie when I looked down at the tiny piece of paper for a vague cookie prophecy because that’s what we all like to do.  Ha, and just like always a very special cookie message indeed, “The first step in making a dream come true is to wake up!”  Hey how did you know I was? Well, I wasn’t really dreaming you know…whatever Fortune Cookie, you’re weird.

Naturally to wake up and gain some energy,  I ate another one! And got the following message, “Your energy returns and you get things done.”

Woah! Now how did you know that Fortune Cookie?  Creepy, are you like the thesis police, have you been sent to remind me that I need to get back to work?   By the way, Fortune Cookies are not bad with tea at all.  Definitely a nice light snack to go with your delicious tea.

On another note do you need a good laugh?

Then check out the following:

The Muppets: Beaker’s Ballad

and the following list of songs and their descriptions.  You’ll have to click on the images in the bottom of the article.

My Tea For The Moment: I recommend trying out the White Peony tea at Radiance Tea House and Books.  First of all it was such a lovely find in the midtown area and the service was great too. As for the tea, It was really nice and light with this subtle hint of sweetness.  If you need something to eat with your tea, order a platter of Mochi.  You can choose 5 pieces from 9 flavors and they’re all Yum. My favorite from the five that we ordered was Green Tea, Black Sesame and Mango.  I’ll have to try the other four flavors next time!

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I Want A BookBook!

BookbookNow this is one of those combos that I just want!   A cool vintage hardcover book case combined with a velvety soft padded interior for my MacBook Pro to sleep in zzzz…. Ah, it’s so comfortable! Lovely visual isn’t it? The only problem is that the one nestled inside the book cannot be my baby! Oh why, you say so sadly? Well you see, I have a 17-inch and this amazing thing is only available  for 13-inch and  15-inch MacBook and MacBook Pros.  Tears…oh well I don’t have funds to invest in a $79.99 cover right now anyways.  But if there was one available in that size, do you think it would look odd for me to be walking around with a huge vintage book everywhere?  I think I would just tell people that I love old vintage books so I like to carry one everywhere I go 🙂 and then of course sniff it really hard.  You know this is also quite symbolic of the whole print vs. digital debate.  Don’t you think?  I must say that although this is an awesome way to disguise your laptop, you might want to be careful if you live in a house where someone loves to donate or sell books!  You don’t want to come home and find out that your awesome vintage book was donated to Salvation Army or maybe even to Africa!  I can just imagine the joy on some little kids face 🙂

For details, you can read the Press Release for this amazing thing!

And If you want to buy it, look at more pics, or just drool over it, go here

My Tea For The Moment: So during my recent grocery shopping adventure, I came across Bromley Decaffeinated Green Tea.  It was on sale and has 48 tea bags in a box! Definitely a great deal, plus it actually taste quite decent.  I’m glad I like it because I just realized that I will be drinking this one for a while hehe.

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Largest Book, Egg Watcher, and Tai Shan the Panda!

Hello everyone!  So here’s some interesting random stuff that I came across.  If you want to read the articles or explore the websites in detail, just click on the images.

First we have the World’s Largest book display!  It’s like 5′ (tall) x 6′ (wide) and requires six people to lift it!  This 350 year old Klencke Atlas was apparently presented to King Charles II by Dutch merchants and placed in his cabinet of curiosities! This will be one of the main highlights during this Summer’s big exhibition on maps by the British Library.
A few things that came to my mind as I saw this.  First, I want to know what else was in that cabinet of curiosities?  Giant pen? Oooh a magnifying glass to read the giant book?  A dinosaur?  Who knows maybe there were giant sized gems? or Aladdin’s lamp? Okay i know that it’s not a ‘Giant’ cabinet of curiosities but still. You know, I think I would love to have my own cabinet of curiosities! How fun! Although If i made such a cabinet in my parent’s house, they’ll most likely declare it as trash and sent every item to Purple Heart.  Seriously sometimes I wonder if they think they are a trash or a recycling center.  Second, I was thinking wow what If I really had a giant book as part of my decor? What are the chances that it will fall on my guests? or heck, on me?  Then I’ll be really living inside the book 🙂 Imagine trying to swap such a book.  Back then maybe you needed a buggy or a Donkey cart, today you’ll most likely need  6 men and a truck to move this piece of art!  I find it cool how the Kings supported publishing back in those days.  If nothing at least books were a status symbol! Could we say the same today?

Next on the list is this cool EggWatchers site that I came across.  With their help watching boring eggs boil will never be the same again.  Basically they present you with an egg timer that will entertain you while your eggs get boiled.  So you give them your egg preferences and it tells you exactly how many minutes it will take to cook your egg.  During that time, they hook you up with a cool video that is equal to that exact cooking time.  When the video is done, Ping! Your eggs will hopefully be ready. This way you don’t have to stare at the boring eggs and get bored!

Lastly, I would like all of you to join me in saying goodbye to Tai Shan the cute panda who will be FedExed to Chengdu, China soon. Not in a box of course but a large steel crate.  Tai Shan my cuddly friend I hope you have a safe and happy journey! Enjoy your bamboo, fruits and cookies! 🙂

You can listen to his story and read related articles at NPR.

My Tea For The Moment: I tried out TWININGS of London’s Fujian Chinese Pure White Tea. This has a very light flavor strength to it.  I think this one tastes the best if steeped only for one minute. The first time i let it steep for over 3 minutes and it killed its delicate smooth flavor.

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