So with thought, here is my list of
4 most creepy little kids that just give me the creepers!
4. The creepy girl from “The Ring” (2002) – The most creepy scene was when she comes out of the TV. That’s a definite “do” to give someone a heart attack.
3. The creepy little boy from “The Grudge” (2004) – This boy was really messed up and the most creepy sound was that came out of his mouth and the most creepy scene was when he appeared under the desk like a little perv hehe.
2. The cute yet creepy little boy from “Pet Sematary” (1989) – Aww…he was really really cute but sadly very creepy!
1. The most creepy and perhaps horrifying kid of all time has to be Regan from “The Exorcist” (1973). There are just too many creepy scenes but the head rotating thing and the backwards stair walk is enough to creep you out for life!
Now after revisiting some of these creepy kids, I’m sure you all need a little laugh! First, the funny George Lopez just started the “Creepy Little White Girl” bit on his show. So check it out, it should you creep you into some laughter.
Finally not all babies are creepy, this one is so cute and makes me want to laugh like crazy every single time I watch it!
My tea of the moment: How about some STASH peppermint caffeine free herbal tea. If you like minty stuff then this is for you. Creepy kids and minty tea now doesn’t that just cheer you up! hehe. Enjoy!