Well!? Are you, are you!? I know I am! La la la, lots of exclamations can only mean one thing, you’re right! I’m really high on my friend’s b-day cake, candies and more candies! Okay seriously, I’m really excited about the new Sherlock Holmes movie coming out on December 25, 2009 for three big reasons:
1. Sherlock Holmes
2. Robert Downey Jr.
3. Guy Ritchie
I grew up reading the various adventures of Sherlock Holmes and then later watching the Sherlock Holmes TV series with Jeremy Brett. He did such an amazing job with that character that for many of us he will remain the best Sherlock Holmes ever! I just loved the “Deductive Reasoning” of Holmes. Thanks to a fan, there’s actually a two-part video that shows different clips from the series on the “Art Of Deduction.” It’s so much fun to hear Dr. Watson and Holmes discuss it all. check it out!
Ahhh great memories. You know I was actually on Baker Street (Holmes residence) in London some years ago. Yeah! I clearly remember standing on the street saying OMG, where is this Baker Street? Saddened and upon seeing no signage in near sight, I went to lean against this giant statue. And as I was leaning, I was like hmm…what would Sherlock Holmes do? and as I started to ponder, my eyes went on the shoes! Well of course the shoes! This is no ordinary statue, I said. This is the one that wears the shoes! And if it wears the shoes then it must also wear a pipe! Then as I looked up, there he was! Sherlock Holmes shining in all his glory with his amazing hat and pipe! It was truly wonderful 🙂 hmm… Hey do you guys know that people actually write to fictional characters? Yes! Believe or not, even though it’s been over a 100 years since the character was created, people are still writing letters to their icon Sherlock Holmes at 221B Baker Street every single day!
Speaking of icons and getting inspired, you guys need to check out some of these fun videos that i found on the topic of Sherlock Holmes.
The Muppets perform a case of Sherlock Holmes – “With no evidence and no killer, there is no murder!” hahaha
Wassup Holmes? What, son!? lol
By the way if you haven’t noticed yet, this is going to be a long post, so make sure you’re sitting down with an extra large cup of tea or coffee! I’ll wait if you want to go now? Ready? Okay so moving on, did I tell you guys how I’m a big fan of Robert Downey Jr? Yup, I’m proud to say that I stuck by him through it all. Regardless of what he has gone through in his personal life, he was and still is an amazing actor! By the way, if Iron Man is your first Downey movie then I really urge you to check out his pre-Iron Man movies. There are a lot of good ones but two of my favorites are, “Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang” (2005) and the classic “Only You” (1994).
Here’s a cool favorite Robert Downey moments video made by a fan. Enjoy!
So now that we’ve looked at Holmes and Downey, let’s talk about my third reason, which is Guy Ritchie. I’ve really enjoyed watching his following films.
- Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998)
- Mean Machine (2001) (executive producer)
- Snatch (2000)
- RocknRolla (2008)
He definitely has his own unique style and you may or may not like it. But If you had to start I would say begin by watching “Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels!” If you don’t like crime, action, drama mixed in with dark comedy type movies then these might not be for you.
So here’s the latest trailer of his version of Sherlock Holmes!
Looks good to me, especially since Robert Downey Jr. is playing Holmes! Hee Hee 🙂 but for the real deal we’ll just have to see how it rolls when the movie comes out on December 25th! SO! Any of you excited about the new Sherlock Holmes movie? or the original text in general?
My tea for the moment: How about trying some Sherlock Holmes blend from Adagio Teas? I kid you not, this is for real! I think I’ll have to invest in this one for sure but if you guys beat me to it, then please let me know if this is a yes 🙂 or no 🙁
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