Monthly Archives: September 2009


Jane Austen booksA couple of weeks ago my friend and I went to check out the Brooklyn Book Fair and guess what we saw? Yes, it was JASNA! Who? No Not Jasna the person! Wait, there’s a real person named Jasna? Wow that’s cool.  I think I’m going to name my first child or cat which ever comes first that ☺ But no, I meant JASNA as in The Jane Austen Society of North America!? Yes, hello!? Ah I cannot describe our happiness when we saw those fine ladies telling us all about the membership. We listened rather carefully until she mentioned the specific dues and then we got a little distracted. Ahhh Imagine the delight and shock had Mr. Darcy appeared from behind that table! We would certainly have fainted with joy ☺  But of course, the only thing we can afford at this point is the free sign up for the email list!  To show our love we quickly signed up as a potential JASNA member. I must say I signed that list in my not so very best writing, however the lovely lady in charge of the list told me that I had really nice hand writing.  Well, I did get an award in 5th grade for best writing you know.  Speaking of which, I just want to do a shout out to Mrs. Pace, my 5th grade teacher who taught us how to refine our cursive in fountain pen! You knew you were all grown up when you could write beautifully in ink. Mrs. Pace, I will never forget your pearl necklace, your black Cadillac and your thousands of cats.  I was a little scared of you but I’m not sure why, you sound really cool and I think you were a very special teacher indeed!

On another note, I’m currently reading “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.” It’s a fun read so far. I love Austen and I love Zombies so it’s all quite awesome.

My tea for the moment:  I think Earl Grey either from Bigelow or Twining would be the perfect choice for such an occasion! Please raise your cup for JASNA! and oh yes Zombies!

A Small Plate Of Miracle

chef-clip-artYou know something really interesting happened to me the other day. I came home hungry as usual and as I was about to think about eating, this lady that I have never talked to but lives on my floor brought me a dish of chicken Biryani! How many times does that happen in life? That you’re hungry and someone knocks on your door and hands you a free plate of food! It’s a miracle people! I mean it’s different if you know them but for it to come from a complete stranger, that’s crazy! I know what you’re thinking, be careful. Yeah I know, what if they drug me or something? Don’t worry, I ignored her husband’s dinner invitation for a special holiday during our elevator travel few days ago. As my cousin and I discussed, they could totally drug me and make my body disappear and no one will ever know! Ah then for many years everyone will wonder as to what happened to my body. By the way just so you know, this was a South Asian rice dish that I just love! I particularly love the Sindhi Biryani that my mom makes, it’s just yummy! There are many different kinds but this one is from province of Sindh in Pakistan. I don’t have my mom’s recipe but you can look at the image and get an idea of the recipe at this link

My tea for the momentTapal Danedar black tea, my family’s favorite!  It’s a very popular brand of Pakistan. Try it with some milk and sugar like the Pakistani way.  If you have never heard of this brand,  you can check out a couple of their interesting ads here,

Oh No, Not On My Jelly Sandwich!

So it’s  one of those laaazy days. You really don’t feel like getting out but you’re really hungry.  You somehow manage to drag yourself to the fridge and finally discover, “Oh Crap, there is no food!”  Well you’re about to lose hope when you see that red raspberry jelly and think of the delicious sandwich that is to follow.  You’re  excited, and happy that you didn’t go crazy and eat all your bread while wasting time watching TV over the weekend.  Ahh Finally it’s ready! And you dive in for your first bite when you’re blinded by this black, blue, or green vision. You hope that it was an odd colored grain patch or something in your eye but unfortunately such is not the case.  Yes another sad ending on the realization that you have been a victim of a moldy bread once again!

You know as hardworking students, there is a lot on our plate. Well just not in terms of food but there is lot of other stuff on our plate.  We’re not really known to eat healthy. I started wondering if one could really die from eating a moldy bread so like a good student I went to google it!  I discovered this great article

I highly recommend it if you’re on a student diet.  My personal takeaways from this article are as follows:

1.    Don’t eat mold.
2.    You will not die if you skipped your “Best if used by” date.
3.    Fridges were invented for a reason! So use it wisely.
4.    If something smells funny, there is a problem.
5.    Drinking water after expiration date is okay. Seriously, why would you ask such a question!?

My tea for the moment: In honor of future tummy aches, some nice loose green tea! They say it’s good for your immune system. I got this brand from Tranquil Tea ( when I visited MI this summer.

So, What’s On Your Chest?

IMG_8985I know it has been kind of gloomy and raining all weekend long and on top of that today was a Monday! Who likes Monday’s anyways jeez. Well the bad news is that we had to go through it, but the good news is, that it’s over. So just relax, don’t worry! Drink some chai or any beverage of your choice. I’m really looking forward to a Tuesday because they’re always better. They sound more hopeful, less ugly, plus I was born on a Tuesday (I think) so obviously it is a day to celebrate!

Oh great now this is gloomy, according to the wikipedia, there is a Spanish proverb “En martes, ni te cases ni te embarques,” which means “On Tuesday, neither get married nor begin a journey.” Ok that’s just great because it’s too late! I’ve been on this life journey for a very long time and I didn’t even ask for it. My mom says, I was reluctant and resisted this planet but there was only one way and that was out! And as for the topic of marriage, well that’s a whole another ordeal so we’ll just tackle it another day! But hey It’s a lucky day according to Judaism! Yay because according to the first chapter of Genesis “it was good” twice. Not once but twice people! so booyah!

Ah I feel so much better ☺

My tea for the momentSTASH Organic Premium White Tea. It’s really light like a Tuesday and full of antioxidants.  Ahh so frefeshing 🙂

And So It Begins!

A blog, where I contemplate life over a cup of tea.

Everytime I get worried, sad, happy, or speak of any kind of emotional trauma around my family, the first thing that appears out of nowhere is a cup of Chai!

Imagine if you will please in English and (Urdu) languages.

Dad on seeing me all worried.
Dad: What’s wrong?
Me: I think I’m having a heart attack. No seriously I have this pain right here in the middle or is it here. Maybe it’s an ulcer. Oh great either way I’m dying.
Sisters out of nowhere: Oh great it’s her phantom pain again!
Dad to me:  Oh no beta (dear)  Koi baat nahin (no worries) come have some Chai.
Dad to siblings: You! Go make some Chai for your sister! No arguments!
Sisters: Oh God, why do we have to make tea for her?
Sisters to each other: You do it! NO, you do it! It’s your turn. No It’s not. It’s yours!
Mother in the middle: Oh God, when will my girls grow up!
Me trying to ignore the noise and drama in the back: Seriously, my life is a mess and you want me to have a cup of tea! How is that going to resolve anything? It won’t help me find a job or pay my black hole of debt.
Dad: shh it’s ok, just sit down. Everything will be alright.
As I argue, the cup of Chai is placed in my hands and I am told to drink it.
Me:  Yeah so I was saying, hmm… okay wow, this is really nice, oh could I get some cookies please too.  Girls! Could I please get a blanket while you’re at it.

Next thing you know you’re all calm and wanting a second cup of tea!
*note: The word  “Chai” in Urdu and Hindi languages means tea.

So this is how it normally goes.

If you come from a culture that lives and breathes tea then you know what I’m talking about!  Tea is the answer to everything; it’s the first and the last thing.  It’s the romantic approach to life.  It’s the way of life. It’s an art. Oh I can go on an on but my blog is not about tea!  Although I will recommend you guys some good teas and tea places as I go along.

You know as a struggling poor graduate student living in NYC, it is quite normal for me to suffer from periodic emotional issues, and unexplained bizarre phenomenon BUT I say don’t worry, drink chai! And everything will be alright. There is a lot to discuss and ponder upon.  So please come join me as I contemplate life, look at some interesting happenings over a cup of tea!  Both caffeine and de-caffeinated  coffee and tea people are welcome!